Terms & Conditions

(A) General Terms and Conditions for Attendees

§ 1 Area of application

(1) The following conditions of participation apply to all legal transactions of we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH, Reichenberger Str. 124, 10999 Berlin, Germany (“we”) with our contractual partner (“you”) who participates in our events and uses our products.
(2) The following terms shall apply within the scope of these GTC:


is the right to participate in our event


is the person who, not for himself but for the participant procures the right to participate.

§2 Conclusion of the contract

(1) Our offers are generally non-binding and subject to change.
(2) By transmitting your declaration of participation by post, fax, e-mail, via our booking system on our website or by verbal agreement, you submit a binding offer for the conclusion of the contract.
(3) A contract with we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH is concluded when we accept your offer.
(4) The purchaser of the right to participate who is not himself a participant (i.e. who does not acquire or order the right to participate exclusively for himself) shall be responsible for ensuring that the participant who receives the right to participate from him is aware of these General Terms and Conditions and accepts them. Only the person named on the eligibility form can be a participant. The transferability of the right to participate from the participant as a contractual partner to another person is governed by § 5.

§ 3 Subject of the contract

(1) We can change individual components of an event if this is necessary and thus not essential parts of the event are changed. There is then no claim to a reduction or reimbursement of the admission price if the change is not substantial and is reasonable under the circumstances of the individual case.
(2) Insofar as lectures, workshops, exhibitions, evening events etc. are the subject matter of the contract, we owe a proper selection of speakers and speakers or exhibitors, but we are not responsible for their content, for the way they are presented and for their claims.
(3) We can replace individual speakers and speakers with other comparable speakers and speakers, as long as this is reasonable for the participant and the purpose of the event and its contents are not significantly changed.
(4) We are entitled to send you information about the event using the means of communication you have specified.
(5) We shall also be entitled to produce photo and video recordings on site. The details will be communicated to you on site via our data protection information, you can also request this in advance.
(6) Domestic authority is incumbent on us.

§ 4 Participation fees

(1) If a participation fee is charged for the respective event, it results from our price information or offers on the respective event website. In the case of free tickets for our live / onsite events, there are separate cancellation provisions for the participant, which are listed under § 10 (5). The use of the digital event platform is only free of charge in combination with the purchase of a paid ticket or the full use (including appearance at the event) of a free VIP / Freetickets Onsite ticket.
(2) All settlements are made in euros. In case of payment with foreign currencies or means of payment, exchange rate differences and bank charges shall be borne by you.
(3) All payments, insofar as participation fees or other costs are charged, are due and payable within a period of 10 working days immediately after invoicing without any deductions, insofar as no other payment date has been expressly agreed.
(4) The prices are exclusive of the legally owed value added tax.
(5) If individual services are not utilized by you through no fault of our own, the agreed participation fees as well as any additional agreed fees and costs (e.g. conference flat rates) shall nevertheless be due for payment unless otherwise agreed.

§ 5 Eligibility, redemption/exchange

(1) Eligibility to participate will be sent to the address provided by you or the purchaser, provided that postal or e-mail delivery is offered and selected as the delivery method.
(2) The tickets are personalised. Only the person whose name is shown on the ticket is entitled to participate.
(3) It is not possible to withdraw or exchange participation rights.

§ 6 General conditions of participation

(1) Corona-Virus:

The hygiene rules and official regulations in force at the venue at the time of the event shall apply. It is a condition of eligibility for admission that the participant is able to fully comply with these hygiene rules and requirements during his stay at the event location.
You can find the hygiene rules and requirements on our website or we will gladly send them to you on request.

(2) Arrival, entry requirements:

You yourself are responsible for the timely arrival, for the return journey and for compliance with any entry requirements and their timely preparation (e.g. obtaining any necessary documents).

(3) General prohibitions:

You are forbidden,

In case of violation we can expel you from the event. In this case you are not entitled to a refund of the attendance fees and other costs (e.g. conference flat rate). Our right to claim damages remains unaffected.

§ 7 Copyright

(1) The files handed over to you (presentations, handouts, etc.) are subject to the copyright law even if in individual cases they have not reached the required level of creativity. You may only use the documents and files for private use and within the framework of the permissions of the copyright law.

(2) Photo, video and sound recordings during the event by you are permitted to a reasonable extent.

§ 8 Termination of the contract by us

We may terminate the contract or deny you access to the event if the agreed participation fee or other due third-party and third-party costs are not paid or not paid in full at the latest before the start of the event. Conversely, however, we retain the right to payment of the participation fees and costs.

§ 9 Force majeure / Acts of God

(1) In the event of force majeure which leads to a cancellation or interruption of the contract or the event or individual contractual services, we can demand that you reimburse or reimburse the costs incurred and services provided up to that point on a pro rata basis, but no more than 5% of the participant fees. This also applies if one of our service providers or service providers (e.g. the event location) is unable to provide its services to us due to force majeure. Claims for damages against us do not exist.

(2) Official, police or court orders to discontinue or abort operations correspond to the force majeure in paragraph 1, unless we have culpably caused this order.

(3) It is deemed to be agreed that force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall also include a recommendation by a state (federal, state, ministries, authorities) not to hold the event (e.g. due to a pandemic spread of a virus or a terrorism warning).

(4) It is rebuttably presumed that we can invoke force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1 if comparable events are cancelled or do not take place at the same time in the same or a neighbouring federal state in which the event takes place. It is also refutably presumed that we cannot invoke force majeure if comparable events take place at the same time in the same or adjacent federal state in which the event takes place.

(5) If a not inconsiderable number of participants cancel their participation or attendance at the event due to an extraordinary event, and if the formative character of the event is thereby lost, the organiser is entitled to cancel the event with the legal consequence of paragraph 1. If the cancellation is mainly due to a not inconsiderable cancellation by exhibitors or other service providers, we can invoke force majeure in accordance with paragraph 1, but in this case we have no proportional claim against the participant.

(6) It shall be deemed to be agreed that force majeure shall also be deemed to exist if the implementation of the event is economically unreasonable for us due to increased requirements of the authorities, insofar as we are not responsible for these. In this case, we can invoke force majeure in accordance with paragraph 1, but we have no proportional claim against the participant.

(7) If a participant is refused entry or further participation in the event, and if this refusal is based on an official requirement that persons with symptoms of illness may not participate, this circumstance shall be deemed to be force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1. If you claim the presence of symptoms of illness on site or without appearance, we may demand the presentation of a medical certificate stating that participation would not be possible due to an official requirement.

(8) As a milder remedy prior to cancellation of the entire event as a live event due to force majeure, we are entitled but not obliged to carry out the event digitally in whole or in part. If this results in less content being provided than contractually owed, the participation fees shall be adjusted accordingly. In addition, the participant shall not be entitled to claim damages from us in the event of a relocation to the digital area due to force majeure.

(9) If the event is announced from the outset as a so-called hybrid event (i.e. the event is held digitally, but a presence of the participant on site is also possible), and if the event must or can only be held digitally due to force majeure, the participant shall have no claims for reimbursement or damages against us.

(10) We can also cancel the event for reasons of reverence or offer you an alternative date. Piety reasons are given if a mourning flag has been or is being ordered or is about to be waved at least in the region of the event location, or if a serious accident or mishap occurs within 24 hours before the start of the event and is reported in the majority of the media in the region of the event location, or if the incident occurred more than 24 hours ago but is still covered by the majority of the media through special broadcasts, or if comparable events are cancelled due to the same incident. In this case, we will refund any participation fees already paid, excluding any advance booking fees, claims for damages are excluded.

§ 10 Cancellation by the customer

(1) Insofar as you wish to cancel the contract for a reason for which we are not responsible and which is not due to force majeure (“cancellation”), this is possible in principle with consultation with us; we may not refuse cancellation contrary to good faith. In the event of a mutually agreed cancellation of the contract, we may, in view of the fact that experience has shown that in the event of a cancellation we no longer have any possibility of allocating the free places elsewhere and that we may not even be able to cancel our agents or speakers free of charge, claim costs and fees etc. in accordance with the following provisions, unless we agree otherwise with you.

(2) We may choose to claim the concretely agreed costs less saved expenses or to settle our costs and our lost profit with a lump sum. In this case, the following flat rates apply: – 5 days from the booking date: 50% of the participation fee. – Up to 10 weeks before the start of the event: 70% of the participation fee. – After that or in case of no-show: 100% of the participation fee.

(3) In the event of cancellation, you may provide a substitute participant to avoid cancellation costs, provided that the substitute participant meets the admission criteria and is confirmed by us and the event has not yet begun. The corresponding service fee is 10%, see §5 (2). (5) In the case of tickets booked free of charge for a live / onsite event, a cancellation or a no-show at the respective event by the participant results in a lump sum of 695,- which is justified in both parts by an expense allowance and by the guarantee of the digital event on the part of the organizer. See § 4 (2)

§ 11 Data protection

We refer to our data protection information, which you can view in connection with the registration and also request from us at any time.

§ 12 Our liability

(1) Breaches of duty that lead to property damage or financial losses::

(2) Breaches of duty that lead to injury to life, body or health:

We are liable for any kind of negligence and intent in the event of injury to life, body or health attributable to us.

(3) Mandatory legal liability:

The limitations of liability in paragraph 1 do not affect your claims from product liability and from legally binding liability facts.

(4) Extension of this clause to employees, organs, vicarious agents, etc.:

The limitations of liability in paragraph 1 shall apply to the same extent in favour of our organs, our employees and other vicarious agents and our subcontractors.

§ 13 Place of jurisdiction and choice of law

(1) Place of jurisdiction:

Our registered office is agreed as place of jurisdiction if you are a merchant or have no general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany. In this case, however, we are also entitled to sue at your place of business.

(2) Choice of law:

If you are an entrepreneur (§ 14 BGB, German Civil Code), the following applies: German law applies.

If you are a consumer (§ 13 BGB, German civil code), the following shall apply: These General Terms and Conditions and the contractual relationship with you shall be governed by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of material EU law. However, the statutory provisions restricting the choice of law remain unaffected. In particular, on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008, (so-called “Rome I Regulation”), the following shall apply in its territorial scope of application: If the law of the country in which you have your habitual residence at the time of the conclusion of the contract (hereinafter referred to as the “law of domicile”) contains provisions for your protection from which, according to the law of domicile, you may not deviate by agreement, the (more favourable) provisions of your law of domicile shall apply to you. You therefore always enjoy the protection of the mandatory provisions of your right of residence despite the choice of law pursuant to sentence.

(B) General Terms and Conditions for Sponsors/Business Partners

§ 1 Services and obligations of the organizer

(1) The Organizer shall grant the Partner the individually agreed advertising measures – this includes all corporate communication measures and services, which the Partner is permitted to and provided in connection with the event.

(2) The Organizer may conclude sponsoring agreements with other partners/sponsors, even from the same industry, or may use or commission their services for the event.

(3) Shortly after the event, the Organizer shall provide the Partner with brief information on the services provided.

(4) The organizer can make changes to the content, place, time and sequences of the event, provided that these changes are insignificant and reasonable for the Partner to achieve the purpose of the contract.

§ 2 Services and obligations of the partner

(1) In return, the Partner shall pay to the Organizer the agreed lump sum plus the statutory value added tax. Any payment dates will be agreed separately, unless otherwise agreed, the amounts are payable 10 days after the invoice is issued.

(2) The Partner shall otherwise comply with the provisions of this Agreement.

(3) If the Partner has the right to set up or operate a stand, the General Terms and Conditions of the Organizer for Exhibitors shall apply accordingly.

§ 3 Use of trademarks, labels, copyrights etc.

(1) Both contractual partners guarantee that the respective other contractual partner may publicly use names, works, titles, labels and trademarks (hereinafter only: labels) for the purpose of implementing the contract and that the respective other contractual partner receives a simple right of use for this purpose.

Both contracting parties shall provide each other free of charge with the rights to the trademarks necessary for this purpose in order to carry out the event and implement the services and responsibilities and shall guarantee that these rights are free of third-party rights.

Through the contractual use of a trademark, the contracting party using it does not acquire any further rights to it over and above those in this contract..

Both contractual partners also undertake not to register or have registered the existing trademark in other countries or to use it or have it used in any other way to generate rights there. Both contracting parties undertake not to attack or have attacked already existing industrial property rights or trademark rights of the respective other party.

(2) Insofar as the contracting parties jointly acquire rights to a label in the future, the above paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis subject to the proviso that both contracting parties are equal rights holders.

Both contractual partners also undertake, even after conclusion of the contract, not to register or have registered the existing trademarks in Germany or in other countries or to use or have used them in any other way to generate rights there. The registration can be made jointly or by separate agreement.

(3) Insofar as the contractual partners or holders of rights make certain demands on their labels from a legal point of view or from the point of view of Company C.I., the other contractual partner must be informed in advance.

(4) The pledging of the license rights in this contract is excluded.

(5) Documents, graphics, lists, drawings and sketches and other items produced by the contractual partner shall remain his property, insofar as the transfer of ownership is not the subject of the contract.

(6) Indemnification obligation:

The Partner shall be obliged to indemnify the Organizer against any claims by third parties and costs arising from claims by third parties, insofar as the claim is based on a breach by the Partner of one of the regulations agreed here, agreements from an individual order, from a later agreement, or against a statutory or other regulation, or any other illegal behaviour. This obligation to indemnify shall continue to apply within the framework of the statutory limitation period even after the end of the contract if the claim is only made after the end of the contract. This shall also apply if the contract has been prematurely terminated by force majeure or other events.

(7) 3 applies to advertising measures of any kind agreed pursuant to § 1, as well as to the presence of the Partner at the live event (whether physical or digital), as well as to any digital implementation of the event. See also § 4 paragraph 10.

§ 4 If agreed: stand location, presentation, visibility

(1) The organizer can allocate spaces to the exhibitors at his own discretion; a claim to a specific space exists only if this has been expressly agreed in writing.

(2) The provision of a stand is subject to the condition that the exhibition stand, its contents, the goods presented there, the type of presentation and the personnel do not bother third parties, in particular do not disturb other exhibitors and are contrary to the purpose of the event.

(3) The Organizer may relocate the allocated stand area, unless a fixed agreement has been made, provided that the relocation is reasonable for the Partner and does not impair the purpose of the contract.

(4) A transfer of the space allocated to you to third parties by the Partner itself is only permitted with the prior, express, written consent of the Organizer. The Partner is responsible for ensuring that the third party acknowledges and complies with these conditions. Any consent by the organizer shall only release the partner from the rights and obligations mentioned here if both parties have expressly agreed to this in writing.

(5) The areas provided must be kept clean and tidy during the event. The stand must be manned by qualified personnel during the event. The Partner is solely responsible for the safety of the stand operation.

(6) Advertising outside the stand is only permitted with the prior explicit and written consent of the organizer.

(7) The organizer will not guard the stand. The Partner is recommended to ensure sufficient security and insurance.

(8) In addition, the provisions of the local operator of the event location shall apply, which the organizer shall send to the Partner on request.

(9) Hygiene:

If, at the time of the event, there are regulations or requirements for hygiene and control of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic or other pandemics/epidemics in the federal state, municipality or city in which the event takes place, these regulations or requirements always take precedence and must be observed without restriction.

Violation of the hygiene rules will result in exclusion from the event. .

The partner is responsible for ensuring that their employees or assistants working on site are fully informed and instructed about the hygiene rules.

Insofar as the hygiene rules or conditions stipulate that persons with symptoms of illness are not admitted to the event, this also applies to employees or assistants of the Partner. The partner guarantees to obtain any information necessary for the implementation of the hygiene rules from their employees and assistants (e.g. the inquiry whether there was contact with persons infected with Sars-CoV-2).

(10) Hybrid or digital events:

If the event takes place in whole or in part in digital form and the Partner is given the opportunity to present itself in digital form, the Partner shall be responsible for granting the organizer the necessary rights for any contractual use by the organizer. This shall also apply if personal rights or personal data of employees or assistants of the Partner are affected. Otherwise § 3 applies accordingly.

§ 4 Contents of the activities

(1) Both contractual partners are responsible for ensuring that their own actions/statements

(2) The contracting parties shall inform each other immediately as soon as they disagree with the actions, measures, marketing activities etc. of the other party or fear infringements.

(3) The contractual partners shall disclose their plans and activities with regard to the execution of the contract at any time upon request and support each other in maintaining the positive image.

§ 5 Exchange of information

In the event of an accident or damage event that attracts the attention of the press, the contracting parties shall coordinate and cooperate before making statements to the press.

§ 6 Confidentiality

(1) The parties to the contract agree to maintain absolute mutual silence about business and trade secrets beyond the end of the contract.

(2) Business and trade secrets are understood to be all facts, circumstances and processes relating to an undertaking, which are not public knowledge but are only accessible to a limited circle of persons and in the non-disclosure of which the legal entity has a legitimate interest. Trade secrets essentially comprise technical knowledge, while business secrets primarily concern commercial knowledge.

(3) Both contracting parties undertake to maintain secrecy towards third parties regarding the amount of payments and the content of this contract. This shall continue to apply even after the end of the contract.

§ 7 Data Protection

(1) Employees or subcontractors of the partner: Use of data / disclosure of our data protection information:

The Partner is obliged to pass on the data protection information provided by the Organizer as contractual partner to the responsible persons and contact persons to be named by the Partner, so that they are also informed about the data processing procedures and data protection measures carried out by us in connection with the contract.

(2) Other agreements relevant to data protection:

Insofar as necessary, the contractual partners will also conclude corresponding agreements under data protection law after conclusion of the contract, which are based on the EU Data Protection Basic Regulation (GDPR) (e.g. a contract on joint responsibility in accordance with Article 26 GDPR or an order processing contract in accordance with Article 28 GDPR).

§ 8 Liability

(1) The organizer does not guarantee that advertising success will occur with the partner. In particular, the organizer does not guarantee that there will actually be enough visitors to the event.

(2) Both contracting parties exclude their liability for material and financial damages caused by slight negligence, which he causes to the other contracting party. Not excluded are claims of third parties.

§ 9 Force majeure and (partial) non-performance of the event

(1) In the event of force majeure, which leads to a cancellation, interruption or interruption of the supported event, there will be no reversal of any services already exchanged and both contractual partners will lose any outstanding claims for services (claim for payment, claim for advertising or implementation of the event) against the other. Claims for damages do not arise.

This does not apply if the service already rendered by one contractual partner without a compensatory service from the other contractual partner would lead to an unreasonable disadvantage for the (already pre-)performing contractual partner or to an advantage for the other contractual partner against good faith (e.g. if the organizer has already rendered advertising measures in favour of the partner but the partner has not yet made any payments; or if the partner has already made payments but the organizer has not yet initiated any advertising measures). In this respect, it is agreed that the services mentioned in § 1 are divisible.

The following applies to all Live & Hybrid Event formats: It is refutably presumed for both parties that the 4 service packages each account for the following percentage of the total value: “Before Event” = 10%, “At Live Event” = 40%, “At digital Event” = 30% and “After Event” = 20%. These package values, insofar as the the presumed values are not disproved, shall be used as the basis for the valuation of the divisible services actually provided.

The following applies to all digital event formats: It is refutably presumed for both parties that the 3 service packages each account for the following percentage of the total value: “Before Event” = 20%, “At digital Event” = 50% and “After Event” = 30%. These package values, insofar as the the presumed values are not disproved, shall be used as the basis for the valuation of the divisible services actually provided.

(2) Official, police or court orders to suspend or terminate the contract shall be equivalent to the force majeure in paragraph 1, unless one of the contracting parties has culpably caused this order.

(3) It is deemed to be agreed that force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall also include a recommendation by a state (federal, state, ministries, authorities) not to hold the event (e.g. due to a pandemic spread of a virus or a terrorism warning).

(4) It shall be deemed to be agreed that force majeure shall also be deemed to exist if the organizer cannot reasonably be expected to carry out the event on account of increased requirements imposed by the authorities, insofar as he is not responsible for such requirements. In this case he may invoke force majeure in accordance with paragraph 9.1.

(5) It shall be refutably presumed that the organizer can invoke force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1 if comparable events are cancelled or do not take place at the same time in the same or adjacent federal state in which the event takes place. It is also refutably presumed that the organizer cannot invoke force majeure if comparable events take place at the same time in the same or adjacent federal state in which the event takes place.

(6) For the purpose of protecting the health of the employees of both parties, but also of the participants and contributors, it is agreed that force majeure in accordance with paragraph 1 shall also apply if a person shows such symptoms of illness that, according to the specifications of local authorities (for example the Robert Koch Institute in Germany) or a state authority, lead to mandatory or recommended exclusion from the event and if this person cannot reasonably be replaced by another person (e.g. event manager or project manager).

(7) Insofar as a not inconsiderable number of participants, exhibitors or other parties involved cancel their participation or presence at the event due to an extraordinary event, and the formative character of the event is thereby lost, the organizer is entitled to cancel the event with the legal consequence of paragraph 9.1.

(8) It shall be deemed to be agreed that the reason for refusal “reverence” shall also be deemed to be force majeure within the meaning of paragraph 1. For reasons of piety, the organizer may cancel the event if the staging of the event and/or the continuation of advertising for the event and/or individual advertising measures would be perceived by the public as being without piety; an indication of impiety is deemed to be, for example, if a serious accident or serious incident has occurred in the region where the event takes place, which leads to special broadcasts on TV or radio, or a funeral flag has been ordered, or other events in the region are cancelled for the same reason. An indication for this is also the knowledge, if both contracting parties would not have closed the contract in knowledge of the incident or would not have bound themselves in such a contract in knowledge of the incident.

(9) Transformation from live to digital:

As a mitigating measure prior to cancellation of the event due to an event within the meaning of § 9, the organizer may carry out the event digitally in whole or in part, but shall not be obliged to do so.

The mutual contractual services shall be adjusted appropriately in the event of a shift to digital within the meaning of Section 313 BGB, using the percentage values specified in Section 9 (1) for the valuation of the individual services within the packages. Insofar as non-essential services of the Organizer are omitted, it shall be rebuttably presumed in the event of a transfer to the digital area that the lower limit is 20 % and the upper limit is 80 %.

The Partner has the right to withdraw from participation in such a digital event if participation in it is unreasonable for him. The withdrawal must be declared immediately after our announcement of the transfer to the digital area. Unreasonableness shall be rebuttably presumed if his services cannot be presented digitally or cannot be presented in the short time available or if a digital presentation is useless for him and comparable exhibitors also withdraw for this reason.

In the event of participation in digital execution, these provisions of these Exhibitor Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly.


§ 10 Termination of contract

(1) This contract only applies to the contractual event and ends when the event has been completely settled between the contractual partners. The right to ordinary termination of this contract is excluded, unless otherwise agreed in paragraph 2.

(2) The organizer can terminate the contract without giving reasons if the event in question is cancelled or is not or cannot/may not be carried out by the organizer. The fault of the organizer is not relevant.

(3) Either contracting party may terminate the contract if the other contracting party acts contrary to the purpose or in violation of the contract or if the act or omission to prevent an attributable act impairs the image of the other party or would cause serious damage to it or if it becomes known that the event or the support would be misused for purposes other than those stipulated in the contract.

(4) If no contractual partner is at fault for the termination, the regulation on force majeure shall apply accordingly. If a contractual partner has culpably caused the termination, he loses his claim to performance against the other party, but remains obliged to perform the agreed service himself, for the terminating contractual partner he is optionally obliged to pay damages instead of performance. A termination in accordance with paragraph 2 is not considered to be culpably caused if the reasons for termination are event-related (lack of exhibitors, lack of reporting, date conflicts, financial difficulties with the implementation, and are not contrary to good faith (e.g. in order to be able to enter into an exclusive partnership with another partner in parallel)..

(5) Either party may terminate the contract for good cause. An important reason exists, for example, if

(6) Consequences of termination for the rights:

§11 Non-solicitation

The contractual partner will refrain from making an offer of employment to employed staff members of we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH during the duration of the cooperation of the parties and two calendar years thereafter (non-solicitation). Such an employment contract is equivalent to other offers and agreements, on the basis of which the employee’s manpower is no longer used by we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH, but in whole or in part by the contractual partner. For each violation of this non-solicitation clause according to this article, the contractual partner undertakes to pay immediately to we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH a contractual penalty in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the annual gross amount paid by the contractual partner to this person, but not less than EUR 65,000.00 (sixty-five thousand euros). This does not affect the right of we.CONECT Global Leaders to claim damages in excess of the contractual penalty. The contractual partner shall bear the burden of proof.

§12 Miscellaneous

(1) Assignment:

The Partner may assign claims from the contractual relationship to third parties with the prior express consent of the Organizer only.

(2) Place of jurisdiction:

The place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from the contractual relationship is the business location of the organizer. He is also entitled to choose the place of jurisdiction at the place of business of the Partner.

(3) Choice of law:

German law applies.

(4) Maintenance of validity:

Both parties to the contract are obliged, if individual or several regulations are ineffective, void or unenforceable for reasons other than the regulations concerning the law of the General Terms and Conditions of Business according to §§ 305 to 310 BGB (German Civil Code) or if a gap in the regulations that needs to be filled arises, to replace it with an effective regulation or to fill the gap, which corresponds in its legal and economic content to the ineffective/void/unenforceable regulation and the purpose of the contract. § 139 BGB (German Civil Code) (partial invalidity) is expressly excluded. If the invalidity of a provision is based on a measure of performance or time (deadline or period) specified in it, this provision shall be agreed to a legally permissible measure that comes closest to the original measure.

Status of these conditions of participation: June 2020.


Clara Petter
Event Operations Student

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Wonderwall - Oasis

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Not really into Marvel, but would prefer Batman because of his bat mobile.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would share a big part with my family as well as donate to people in need. Furthermore I would invest in properties but also make my wish come true to travel the world.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Ellen DeGeneres, she is an absolute inspiration

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A Dolphin - gliding in the water, watching the beautiful world underwater. Water just creates this space of calmness and gives you so much strength.




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Henry Fuchs
Managing Director & Founder

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Guns’n Roses – November Rain --> When Slash walked out of the church in the video and started to play his guitar – I bet everyone wanted to start to learn - how to be so cool!

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because Bat is eating the spider.. and batman has more muscles!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Would travel for 12 months and photography the things needed to be photographed.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Karl Lagerfeld – because I would like to present than something regarding art, design & philosophy...and because I want to meet him.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A penguin – just because they way how they walk is quite funny and my daughter is also walking like them. ;-)




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Daniel Wolter
Managing Director & Founder

Dream job when you were a child:
I wanted to take over the job of Colt Seavers when he goes into retirement.

Favorite 90's song:
Come as you are – Nirvana and the entire album Nervermind.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman would kick Spiderman’s ass - c'mon! Batman spent all his life training his body and mind in deadly Martial Arts, he's a true fighter. Little Spidey got bitten by a freaken random spider and can now shoot nets out his hands - so what! Pretty clear Batman would win!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Build an underground wine cellar and equip it with some rare wines of the last century. Travel the world on a sailing ship with my wife and two kids.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
World's best-selling wine writer and iconic expert on wine Hugh Johnson.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An eagle – to be able to fly and glide would be super cool.




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Thomas Gellner
Commercial Director

Dream job when you were a child:
Soccer Player

Favorite 90's song:
Die Ärzte – Schrei nach Liebe

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Boost the economy

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Farin Urlaub (Die Ärzte)

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Chimpanzee – looks funny but they are also intelligent




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Stephan Burghardt
Creative Director

Dream job when you were a child:
Stunt Man or Car Mechanic

Favorite 90's song:
The Reverend Horton Heat - Bales of Cocaine

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
The evil or Godzilla

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a 1951 Mercury and visit as many countries as possible.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Johnny Cash

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A Grizzly in Canada would be nice. Wandering through the woods, being in the nature all the time – far away from cities. But I would go with meat, not fish.




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Imadedine Jerbi
Chief Technical Officer

Dream job when you were a child:
Commander of a spaceship

Favorite 90's song:
Bryan Adams: Everything I do

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Probably Batman since he uses modern technology.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I will use 10% to survive, share 5% with people I love, and invest the rest in IT.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Linus Torvalds

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A Warbler would be nice. I will have the freedom to travel everywhere!




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Dr. Đorđe Tomić
Group Director Production

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Mid 1990s: Green Day – Basket Case; end 1990s: really nice free jazz – back then I discovered Anthony Braxton and Dave Holland.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman. He’s nice and not so snotty.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
200,000 € for my son; 700.000 € for people that urgently need the money; 2,699 € for a Nord Piano 3 stage piano, 2,899 € for a Waldorf Zarenbourg piano, 40,000 € for some new hi-end speakers and other audio equipment; the rest I would spend with my friends and for traveling.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Rudi Dutschke; Josip Broz Tito, Ernesto Che Guevara & Willy Brandt – it would be really interesting to let them discuss about the world of the 21st century.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A bird – no borders.




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Anja Shahin
Head of Contract Management

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Insomnia from Faithless

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
It wouldn't come to that at all. If so, I'd be for Batman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Build a house by the sea and a house in the mountains. Donate the rest to charity.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Malala Yousafzai

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A migratory bird. I would fly south every year to winter.




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Daniela Frey
Head of Event Operations

Dream job when you were a child:
vet, up to an internship with a vet ...

Favorite 90's song:
Children by Robert Miles

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
No idea. Somehow I prefer heroes in suits than in "tights".

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
So many zeros ... maybe a few for two nice houses somewhere. And donate the rest of it. For people who are not doing as well as we are here for a long time. And there are many. So probably the zeros won't be enough.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Michelle Obama

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Cat - they are self-determined, clever, lovable




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Andreas Hermansson

Dream job when you were a child:
The classic choice - Astronaut!

Favorite 90's song:
Passion, Gat Decor.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I think it would end in a draw. Their superpowers would cancel each other out, similar to the football games between Italy and Germany in the 90s.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Reinvest money in the stock market, fund school and food delivery systems around the world, plus spend an unhealthy amount of time on Ibiza.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Definitely a comedian, as they are typically great speakers. Maybe Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks or George Carlin?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
In theory, I would like to say a wolf, but realistically speaking life as a dog is probably much more convenient and relaxed.




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Elia Assaf
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?




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Rainer Goldmann
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Race car driver ?

Favorite 90's song:
Wonderwall - Oasis

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman: Spiderweb beats Bat-Tech every step of the way.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
250k: buy a house boat – home office on the Spree seems very appealing. 250k: Gold - insurance for rainy days. 500k: Invest in trainings, seminars, mentorships in closing and communication.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Of course with my Besti - Malik – High Energy, Enthusiasm + French accent -what more do you want ?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Eagle – flying is just awesome.




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William Byles
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
I alternated every two weeks between footballer and zoologist.

Favorite 90's song:
The first single I ever bought was Country House by Blur and my first album was Big Willy Style by Will Smith. Both have aged remarkably well.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
It depends whether they have time to prepare. If no, then Superman would win because he’s actually super, whereas Batman is just some rich guy with an obliging butler. If yes, then Batman would win as he’d just send Robin out for some Kryptonite.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a flat in Berlin and get a bespoke suit on Saville Row. Anything left I’d put on black.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Anthony Bourdain. I worked in kitchens when I was younger and loved his writing and his energy. There are so many questions I’d like to ask him about his travels, music and of course food. It would take the form of a Q&A and would probably be more interesting for me than the audience!

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I’d like to think I’d be a Jaguar; quick, deadly and elegant. In realty however, I’ve probably got more in common with a Flamingo or Dodo.




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Nicoleta Kallée
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Smells like teen spirit, Come as you are - Nirvana Creep - Radiohead Nothing else matters - Metallica Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, of course. Strength of will and mental aptitude.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would take my family on a trip around the world and invest in real estate.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk or Madonna.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Raven. Besides the fact that I always wanted to fly...They are extremely intelligent, they rate up there with chimpanzees and dolphins. Highly adaptable, versatile, playful and not to mention mysterious. Afterall, "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"..




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Matthias Köhler
Business Partner Team Lead

Dream job when you were a child:
Private Detective - I wanted to be like Magnum...

Favorite 90's song:
"Without you I'm nothing" from Placebo

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because he is not wearing blue tights.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy an apartment, spend another month in Hawaii and put the rest away for my children.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
A talk with the Beastie Boys about Hip Hop in 80's New York City would be great!

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
In any case one out of the water, because swimming never gets boring.




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Geoffroy Nasset
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
All eyeZ On Me from Tupac Shakur

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would create and invest half of the money in an Education Technology company in Africa, a ¼ in start-ups, and the rest in my children's education.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
My dad R.I.P

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An eagle. Eagles are some of the most efficient and graceful birds in the air. Eagles have powerful vision. Eagles are fearless. Eagles are tenacious. Eagles are high flyers. Eagles nurture their young.




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Thomas Rishan Wilson
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Movie Director

Favorite 90's song:
Hypnotize The Notorious B.I.G

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I’ve been told that Spiderman will win but I’m gonna say Batman because I used to watch that cartoon when I was a kid.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Invest half. Build a small place near the coast with the other half. Proceed to chill.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Dave Chappelle

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) I know he’s not strictly an animal (or real) but I see a lot of me in him.




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Tyler Habeck
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Professional Baseball Player

Favorite 90's song:
Radiohead – Let Down

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I gotta be honest, I don't know much about either of them - but I did a little research. The online community seems to be heavily in favor of Wonder Woman, whether they're allowed to use magic or not. But I'm willing to bet that if this fight happened in one of the movies, they'd at least make it close enough to tease a sequel.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would build my dream house/music studio in Topanga Canyon and use the rest of the money to fly in friends and other musicians to jam with. And probably donate a large chunk of it - a billion euros is an overwhelming amount of money.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
I feel like me and Shaquille O’Neal would have a nice back and forth dynamic. Plus we’d look really funny standing next to each other.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I think I’d like to be a jellyfish just to see what’s going on in their brains. Actually, I don’t even think they have brains. Just floating, eating, vibing…sounds nice!




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Christopher Dobbs
Business Partner Team Lead

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
7 by Prince & The New Power Generation

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
The audience :-) – I will sell the front row tickets.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy an island somewhere warm, get a helicopter, a pilot’s license, a little boat…kick back and drink lots of coconut juice

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Charlie Chaplin

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A pony…my daughter would love it




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Hassan Jaafar
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
An astronaut – Space was always (and still) something fascinating to me!

Favorite 90's song:
So impossible to choose one because there are so many, but ‘I’m Free’ by Soup Dragons always puts me in a great mood.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman for sure as he doesn’t depend on superhuman powers, it is all on his intelligence, his high tech gear and martial arts.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I always had a dream of opening my own NGO to help disabled people and a big part of it will be into that. Climbing the seven summits of the world and help my family and friends.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Alexander the Great

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A horse as it can be super strong and at the same time very gentle yet he chooses when to be either/or.




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Peter Massling
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
To become something like Robin Hood

Favorite 90's song:
Depends on the atmosphere

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Something amazing, spectacular but at the end the good has to win

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Multiplying to make the world sustainably better for our children

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
My mother always a smile on her face

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A dog – a lot of exercise, get petting, can let off steam, food for free and and and




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Henning Rieke
Business Partner Team Lead

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Open a Bratwurstbude on a beach somewhere in Africa

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Led Zeppelin (jamming session)

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?




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Gerald Roth
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Portishead “Roads”

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman would win, because of his technological advantage.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would buy an apartment and a summerhouse in the Uckermark region.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Since the “Girl with a Pearl Ear Ring” movie it would be Scarlett Johansson.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be a parrot, because as a parrot you are allowed to bullshit the whole day and you are even adored for it.




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Susan Zimmermann
Business Partner Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
TV presenter for a travel show

Favorite 90's song:
Spice Girls “Wannabe”– Girl Poooower!

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, he’s way more badass.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a house on a greek island and open a pancake shop.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Hugh Jackman – we would present with a musical twist :) (like when he hosted the Oscars)

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I’d be a cat, have a favorite spot on the window sill and snooze all day in the sun.




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Marcel Krug
Graphic Designer

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman. Unlike Batman he has real superpowers. Besides, i am Team Marvel ... what else!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a property and build a house. Save the rest for the kids or travel.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Maybe Hape Kerkeling ... nothing can go wrong with him on stage, and if it does, at least it's funny.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Maybe Hape Kerkeling ... nothing can go wrong with him on stage, and if it does, at least it's funny.




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Carsten Altmaier
Graphic Designer

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Lake on Fire and Lithium - Nirvana

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
"When you make more than one person of yourself, when you dedicate yourself to an ideal, and when no one can stop you, then you become something entirely different." "And that is?" "A legend, Mr. Wayne." For that reason, I'd say Batman wins.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Invest, donate and manage.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Steve Jobs

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be an Octopus. Octopuses are usually very curious and prove to be very capable of learning in experiments. The brain of octopuses is very efficient; thus they cope with many maze problems more efficiently than most mammals. The small octopus Amphioctupus marginatus collects coconut shells to use them later as a dwelling – a unique example of planned action among invertebrates.




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René Czymontkowski
Teamlead CRM

Dream job when you were a child:
. Sportscaster like Marv Albert, Dick Stockton or Heinz-Florian Oertel!

Favorite 90's song:
”Sad but True”, Metallica and “Drain You”, Nirvana

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
. Batman because he has much more weapons and … Alfred!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
. Travelling to all Sporting Events around the World for years.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
. Pat Riley and Phil Jackson because they are so cool and successful!

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
. A cat. Because a cat teaches people and is always doing their own thing.




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Monique Fitzner
Teamlead CRM

Dream job when you were a child:
I wanted to become a princess because my parents always said: “You have got the right attitude!”.

Favorite 90's song:
Never forget – Take That. After T&T I got bored of all these girl- and boy- bands, and I started listening Gothic and Alternative music.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman for sure – a superhero, that can crawl on walls and fly between skyscrapers. There is nothing cooler.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would organize a huge party with my family and friends. With the rest of the money I would travel around the world and buy a pony farm.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Diana Ross – I would love to see her together with the Supremes singing “I hear a symphony”. What would I do? Well, I’m a very good at the triangle!

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A peacock – you don’t have to think about fashion anymore! You are always well dressed with all those beautiful feathers.




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Bernd Koch
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Novel writer

Favorite 90's song:
Heinz Rudolf Kunze - “Draufgänger”

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Speedy Gonzales, because he is faster.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Donate it to “Jehovas Witnesses”, under one condition: never to ring again at my door.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Jesus. Just to ask him to tell me in detail how he made it with the resurrection.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A parrot. So I could always hear again, what I said before. Good way to never forget anything.




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Alexa Krömer
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?




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Smail Lounici
Teamlead CRM

Dream job when you were a child:
Soccer player

Favorite 90's song:
MC Hammer - U can't touch this

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman, he does not need any technology.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
World travel

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Mahatma Gandhi, always for peace.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Lion, the king of the jungle.




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Martyna Michalska
Teamlead CRM

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Impossible to name just one – 90s were amazing! Wamdue Project – King of my castle, ODB – Got your money, Prodigy – No good (it breaks my heart not to mention Back for Good from Take That though ;-) )

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Can’t say much about the super powers of Batman and Spiderman but I’m pretty sure that the sugar, spice and everything nice of Powerpuff Girls would rule anyway!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Get a Land Rover Defender, a sibling for my Corgi (a Husky or a Border Collie – or both!), take a year off and travel, travel, travel! Ideally, take a ship to South America and travel through Patagonia and Antarctica. I would also love to engage in organizations saving the arctic and polar bears on Svalbard. Though summiting Himalayan peaks is very high on my list too...so much to do!

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Neil Armstrong, but if he can’t fit it into his schedule I would also consider Sir Edmund Hillary (I mean Everest is as close as you can get to the Moon without leaving Earth).

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A puffin – because they’re cute, live in Iceland and fly south in the winter.




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Mark Reichmann
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Preposterous tales in the life of Ken McKenzie

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (G.W.F.) Hegel (a revenant)

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Attila - the proud Eintracht eagle




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Amir Sabri
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Black Or White - Michael Jackson

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman. He has more money

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I will invest in we.Conect, in the end, it is a great company

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Rowan Atkinson
Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Sloth, I will spend most of my life hanging upside down in the trees of the tropical rainforests, moving only when necessary and even then very slowly




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Amal Ibrahim
Teamlead Business Development

Dream job when you were a child:
Prima Ballerina & Radio Presenter

Favorite 90's song:
Suavemente – Elvis Crespo

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spider-man is a better Superhero by far. He has a girlfriend, he isn’t wearing his underpants on the outside, he isn’t afraid of spiders (or Bats) and he can Kiss upside down 😉

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I will invest 50% and have FUN wz the rest

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Al Pacino

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I think I’m a Tiger in disguise, they are determent, persistent & looking awesome




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Vadym Kudriashov
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Pilot. It still is.

Favorite 90's song:
Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Win at what? In poker? Depends on the cards.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Double it.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Wolodymyr Selenskyj

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Eagle. See point 1 :)




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Mohammed Magdi
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Arabic Song (Al-Hob Al-Haqiqi – For Mohammed Fouad)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman had fought Superman before, so the answer is obvious! 😃 But actually I like both.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Get a private pilot license, take a year off and travel the world.. Of course, I will need to sustain the money so, investing a part of it, donate a part for charity, buy a house and get married to stop my parents from annoying me about how all my friends got married already but me! 😃 but of course, hoping to meet the waited girl “The One” soon, then we can spend some money on the wedding 😉!

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Steve Jobs

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
If I would be an animal, I would wish to be a panda.. Peaceful, funny, no stresses.




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Dennis Vasic
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Astronaut, pilot

Favorite 90's song:
Everybody- Backstreet Boys

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
What a question ... the antihero / badboy Batmann. I mean, whoever kills Superman can handle Spidermann easy. Batmann is ruthless, ice cold and simply the cooler!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a house on the beach, on Trinity Beach in Cairns Australia and just live relaxed. With part of it, I would give young people from all over the world the opportunity to travel abroad in the form of a scholarship. With the other part, buy different clubs and bars on every part of the world.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Stefan Raab

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A male lion, very simple: My life would consist of eating, sleeping and X and I always have a great hairstyle




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Oliver Reichmann
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Snap – Welcome to tomorrow

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
The Silver Surfer

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Going mad

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Bugs Bunny

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?




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Monika Senkel
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Archaeologist, don´t ask me why, I was a child.

Favorite 90's song:
Every song from the Backstreet Boys.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, I don´t understand the question.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Traveling around the world, meanwhile buy a house in Berlin and a flat in Hamburg, places to come home to.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Michael Jackson, the moves are incredible.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A turtle, swim and travel around the world, your home always with you.




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Lucie Schmidt
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
I wanted to be a dancer – my mum says that I always went through live singing and dancing when I was a child. And if you believe it or not I was great in ballet.

Favorite 90's song:
Pearl Jam with “Alive’” – the best band in the world…did you ever see them live at Wuhlheide in Berlin in summer? Awesome

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
My oldest niece would say (okay, all of my 5 nieces would say): “Of course Elsa the Icequeen…she would freeze both of them and make the world a better place. But obviously Batman (the Christian Bale-Batman of course). He is older and wiser.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a nice old, restored campervan und continue my trip around the world with my - very soon to be - little family. My last trip I had to stop after travelling for 1 year in 2012. After that I would start my own business together with my partner and open an optician with glasses the world really needs. And if there is enough money left I would buy a big house boat with a sauna that my whole big family and friends can use :)

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Hmm – that is a very hard question. I think I would choose James Cook. He discovered the Pacific Ocean in a time where most of the world was unknown. It must be such a nice feeling to discover something new, which probably no one has ever seen before.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I think I would be a Panda. Especially on Sunday mornings we look pretty the same ;-)




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Fabian Schulz
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Professional Soccer Player

Favorite 90's song:
Faithless - Insomnia

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because he is active at night

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Drive down the Panamericana from north to south and on the way think what to do with the rest of the money.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Rudi Völler

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A kangaroo, it looks funny, is fast and lives in the most beautiful nature.




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Karan Balani
Customer Success

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Scar Tissue (Red Hot Chilli Peppers)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Travel around the world and discover all the hidden gems

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Ryan Woolley, I heard he tells good jokes

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Giraffe, I would still be one of the tallest ones




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David Wiske
Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Financial Analyst on Wall Street

Favorite 90's song:
Lou Bega – Mambo No. 5 / Coolio – Gangsta´s Paradise

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman cause he´s got more tools and tech. And will have maybe attended a we.CONECT Autonomous Driving conference

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
500k into a wide portfolio of cryptocurrencies. 450k on several apartments. 50k to start a company

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Elon Musk

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be a tiger. Tigers are cool.




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Marco Zieglschmid
Team Lead Customer Success Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Soccer player

Favorite 90's song:
Gangsta´s Paradise (Dangerous Minds)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman because he can do it alone.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Travel around the world.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Heinz Erhardt as he was the greatest comedian.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A bird – because they can fly.




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Gert Orlich
Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Guns ‘N Roses – November Rain

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Passed me by... sorry

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
A house by the sea, travel, a small life annuity, donate the rest to Doctors Without Borders.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Freddy Mercury

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Eagle owl - 360 degree panoramic view, ruler of the night




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Jan Eike Nicolai-Nenninger
Senior Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Storyteller and Knight of course.

Favorite 90's song:
R. Kelly: Gotham City

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because he’s Batman...enough said!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Renovate a house in Italy and cultivate the Land around to grow truffles…and buy my mother the flat in my hometown.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Leslie Nielsen.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Wolverine (Vielfraß), because he is fluffy aaand dangerous. In addition his German Name suggests, that he eats a lot.




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Vincent Rückert
Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
All Star by Smash Mouth (1999)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
In my story (because I'm a HUGE Marvel Comics fan), Spiderman would win. I think it always depends on who the writer of the story wants to see win 😉

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Pay off all debts for family and friends. Buy an apartment in Berlin. Buy my own vineyard in France, and start my own business producing wine and brandy. Invest money in research and educational institutions.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Vera F. Birkenbihl

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A wolf! Wolves never hunt alone 😉




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Andreas Wessel
Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Train driver

Favorite 90's song:
Rhythm is a Dancer

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman wins, of course, because he always has the better plan.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Build a nice house for my family and then start an organization to protect wildlife.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An elephant, because I am an absolute family man and therefore I find the cohesion of a herd of elephants very impressive.




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Bianca Schorn
Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Secret agent

Favorite 90's song:
Oasis - Wonderwall

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Definitely Batman, as spider webs are not fireproof.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would set up a high-end gaming room.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Ricky Gervais

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An owl to be able to turn the head further.




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Amina El Sayed
Event Operations Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Oops! … I Did It Again

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
BLACK WIDOW: She's Technically Immortal

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Build a school in Brazil with a German school system, decent English teachers and free breakfast and lunch for all children. Only rich parents would have to pay for the education of their children, for all others it would be free.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Paulo Coelho

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Definitely a monkey - In principle, they can do everything we can do, and they are much better climbers




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Andreas Meiser
Teamlead Marketing

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Eiffel 65 – Blue (Da Ba Dee)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because he has more tools in every way

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would build a house, buy a nice car and travel the world

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A cheetah. It is fast, it acts precise and it is family oriented




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Andreas Hermansson

Dream job when you were a child:
The classic choice - Astronaut!

Favorite 90's song:
Passion, Gat Decor.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I think it would end in a draw. Their superpowers would cancel each other out, similar to the football games between Italy and Germany in the 90s.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Reinvest money in the stock market, fund school and food delivery systems around the world, plus spend an unhealthy amount of time on Ibiza.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Definitely a comedian, as they are typically great speakers. Maybe Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks or George Carlin?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
In theory, I would like to say a wolf, but realistically speaking life as a dog is probably much more convenient and relaxed.




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Alina Beckmann
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Always something new.

Favorite 90's song:
It's not over until it's over - Lenny Kravitz

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
It's not over until it's over - Lenny Kravitz

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
1. Share some of it among friends and family 2. Impact investing 3. Create a beautiful home in nature

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Mariana Mazzucato - a very interesting woman for me in terms of sustainable economic growth.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A lion - chill out with other lions in the savannah and there is always some action.




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Dilruba Diba
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire 1997

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire 1997

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Donate half of the money. Another half I will use for travelling around the world.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Nelson Mandela

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Bird. I would be able to fly anywhere in the world and visit different places.




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Julia Krause
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Veterinarian! This dream died very soon as I passed out when I saw blood for the first time.

Favorite 90's song:
Cher – Strong Enough

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman, because he’s way more skills/tools and is therefore less predictable than Spiderman. He also has Catwoman on his side, who’d help him out in case something doesn’t work out as planned.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I’d buy a house and live there with as many rescued dogs and cats as possible.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Ellen DeGeneres

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Cat, doesn’t matter a small or a big one. Because cats never ask for permission and always do whatever they want. They just seem to have the best lives




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Evelyne Ndirangu
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
To be an Air Hostess and be an explorer.

Favorite 90's song:
Destiny’s Child – ‘Say my name’

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman definitely. His ability to fly and shoot spider webs gives him all sorts of possibilities to defeat Batman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would use half of it to travel without question, the other half I would use it to start my own bakery for Cakes, Tea and have a little library/bookshop.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
I would invite Michelle Obama

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be an eagle, because of its freedom to visit the skies and be able to protect its family from predators.




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Fabio Sandrin
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Probably something connected with Lego, relatives say I was addicted to them.

Favorite 90's song:
Crystal Waters, Gypsy woman

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman cause he’s a dude and has a batmobile.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Charity and update my bucket list.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Batman with Crystal waters

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A flying penguin (if I shall imagine being an animal why not thinking big)




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Venessa Njoroge
Marketing Student

Dream job when you were a child:
A musician

Favorite 90's song:
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
None, because the Black Panther would steal the show.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
)? I would like to have a children’s home in Nairobi Kenya, that educates and rehabilitates street children and orphans, also I would like to have a creatives foundation for creatives who need support for their talent and hopefully a music festival that would be held once a year in Nairobi Kenya with all the funding going to the children’s home as well as the creative centre.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Nina Simone

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An eagle, as they are one of the strongest birds, and they get to have an amazing view being high up in the sky.




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Sarah Schubert
Teamlead Marketing

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
In a karaoke bar: “Wannabe” (Spice Girls); in lovesickness: “Nothing compares to you” (Sinead O’Connor)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
As Marvel follower (and even with a spider phobia) I have to say: Spiderman

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Total conservative stuff: 100.000 donation for Plan or a similar organization, 50.000 for family & friends, 600.000 for a house with garden, 50.000 for traveling, 30.000 for a car, 170.000 for savings

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Probably Felix Lobrecht & Tommi Schmitt – would be funny and entertaining

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
a “Frostbeule”: A bird that flies to the south when it gets cold outside




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Michelle Sima
Marketing Manager Virtual & Live Event

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Nirvana - smells like teen spirit

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
? I think spiderman would win because he could shoots spiderwebs and fly with them very fast. Also he can wrap his spider web around Batman and Batman will not be able to free himself.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
500.000,00 € for buying land and building a house; 250.000,00 € buy and rent an apartment; 100.000,00 € build a school in Africa; 150.000,00 € travel around the world and have some fun.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Michael Jacksen just because I loved his music and I liked his partial childishness.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would like to be a lion - strong, wild and free.




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Deniz Orhan
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
I Will Always Love You

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman – his superpower is unbeatable! 😉

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would divide the money into three parts. With half of the money, I would have wells built in Africa to fight the water shortage there and plant trees. I would send a quarter to my parents. And with the rest I would buy a house.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
My Besti, because with her I always have something to laugh about.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Be free as a bird 😊




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Aaron Saint John
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
I’ve always dreamed of being a jet pilot – when I was very young, I even had a Barbie doll with a pilot’s uniform!

Favorite 90's song:
Neutral Milk Hotel, ‘In the Aeroplane Over the Sea’ (1998)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I’ll go with Batman – he has more experience in the superhero business, so while Spider-Man might be stronger, I think Batman could probably outsmart him.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Firstly, I would make sure my family were well looked after. Then I would give a large chunk to some worthy causes (food security, renewable energy), and spend the rest of my days making pizza and writing poems on a beautiful Greek island.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Jim Morrison. I think we’d have a pretty good time.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I’ve always been fond of bears. Although it would be cool to be something like a grizzly bear, I think I’m probably more of a panda – I like sleeping and eating almost as much as they do!




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Alyson Glasser
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Be the greatest Rockstar this world have ever seen. That, or an Actor.

Favorite 90's song:
Hard choice, but Estranged from Guns N' Roses is one of my all time favorite.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I believe it would be a drawn. Spiderman have the passion and real supernatural powers, which would give him advantage. But Batman compansate that with his experience and intelligence. That would be a drag for spiderman immaturity.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would re-invest it all in a business. However houses seems like a classic all time good idea too, as re-investment and/or passive income.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
If I could choose anyone, it would be Elvis Presley. The raw energy, talent, charisma and originallity from such an icon would be a very unique and great experience to learn from.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Probably an Eagle. I like to think that I have the personality trait to "flight high" to have a better perspective of things.




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Alina Kuteeva
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
rock star

Favorite 90's song:
Kiss from a Rose by Seal

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman because he’s rich and has cool stuff. Also, he already won in the Snyder’s version of Batman vs Superman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Travel the world for a year, getting tattooed by the coolest artists. Then adopt a dog, buy a house at the seaside, and probably rescue more animals and surf a lot.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Robert Smith from the Cure just to piss off my best friend who’s a big Morrissey fan.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I’ll be a cat because I value my independence.




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Saskia Schmidt
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
As a child, I really wanted to be an astronaut.

Favorite 90's song:
Clearly: The Forrest Gump Suite by Alan Silvestri. I'm a huge fan of good film scores and the original Forrest Gump soundtrack is in a class of its own.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I have to admit: I've always belonged to the Marvel Universe and unfortunately followed DC more badly than rightly. I am spontaneously for Batman because he can always improve his tools - in contrast to Superman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Visit as many places as possible: Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Iceland, South Korea & Japan for example and just enjoy myself for a while.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Malala Yousafzai - because she definitely deserves to be heard.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A hedgehog - a bit shy and prickly at the beginning, but trusting and frugal after a warm-up phase.




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Barbara Duna
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
I wanted to be a doctor, because I want to help people.

Favorite 90's song:
Mambo Nr. 5 by Lou Bega

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman would win, because he is much bigger and stronger than spiderman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would spend the money to different help organisations in order to make the world a better place.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be a dog, because he needs long walks and he is always a loyal companion.




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Lydia Glaser
Marketing Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Fools Garden - Lemon Tree

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman because he is faster and has superpowers.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would organize my father to have a jam with the remaining Pink Floyd members, buy myself a small beach house and donate the rest.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A leopard because they are good fighters and hunters but still elegant.




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Irina Regner
Financial Accountant

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Eifel65 – Blue (Da Ba Dee)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman because he looks better ?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Send my mom into retirement, donate something to animal welfare and go on vacation

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Is it also possible to avoid the stage? Because I'm too shy ?

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Dolphin because they are so happy and free




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Theo Scheil
Commercial Administrator

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
The Prodigy - Firestarter

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Chuck Norris because of Chuck Norris.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Travel the world. Invest it (e.g. for wind energy, real estate).

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Shaquille O’Neal

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An Owl




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Chiheb Hmida
Full Stack Developer

Dream job when you were a child:
Video Games Tester

Favorite 90's song:
Kaoma - Lambada

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman. He doesn’t need any gadget to proceed.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
A third into investing in social projects, the second third into traveling around the world with family and friends. A part will be spent on a house by the sea - it is a must.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Leonardo Di Caprio

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Leopard, because it’s fast, powerful, and rare.




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Adel Jerbi
Full stack web developer

Dream job when you were a child:
Computer engineer

Favorite 90's song:
Hier encore - Charles Aznavour

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Both because these two characters share the same goal of eradicating crime from their cities.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a yacht.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Richard Stallman

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A Dinosaur because of he has amazing skills.




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Sebastian Jänisch
Senior Software Engineer

Dream job when you were a child:
As a child, I wanted to be a doctor.

Favorite 90's song:
The best song in the 90’s is Faithless - Insomnia.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I like Batman because its strength and superiority are based solely on hard training and intelligence. Spiderman is someone who "won" his strength by chance. I think Batman will win.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would give my family and me wonderful moments in life, build a house in the country and found an IT company.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
I would invite Marshall McLuhan for a nice discussion about media theory.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An ant - small, industrious and strongly networked.




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Ulrike Wilke
Product Owner

Dream job when you were a child:
Wildlife researcher

Favorite 90's song:
Snap! - Rhythm is a Dancer

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman, because he is more sympathetic and fun.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buying a house by the sea. There, I think about what to do with the remaining money and how I can increase it further so that part of it can flow into social projects.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Hazel Brugger, for her incomparable humor.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An owl, because it can fly, has sharp eyes and lives in the forest.




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Jessica Ehrmann
Digital Working Student

Dream job when you were a child:
I've always loved the sea and wanted to be an oceanologist. But mainly to swim with dolphins.

Favorite 90's song:
Gangster's Paradise - Coolio

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman - Batman has all the cool gadgets, but still can't hold a candle to Spidey.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
If it should ever happen, I would use half the money to travel the world and where I like it best, I would buy/build a hotel to secure my future. The other half is donated directly for research purposes.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
The King of Rock - Elvis Presley

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Maybe a bird because they can fly anywhere.




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Sarah Alexis Farley
Portfolio Director Smart Mobility & Automotive Events

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Massive Attack, “Unfinished Symphony”

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman. If I placed a bet and he won, I’d probably get a higher payout than with batman…

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Share some of the financial love with friends and family, buy some land, plant a forest, get a sweet abode in Berlin and travel the world

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Stephen Hawking. I’d let him take the stage. I’d sit back and listen to him lecture on robot rebellions, extraterrestrial life, AI saving/destroying mankind, black holes, the universe…

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Elephant. They’re just pretty cool.




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Anastasia Trubnikova
Portfolio Director, Digital Business Events

Dream job when you were a child:
I wanted to be in the army so badly! God knows why.

Favorite 90's song:
As most Russian pre-teenage girls at the time – Natalia Oreiro – Cambio Dolor :)

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
I am a Whovian, so the answer is always The Doctor.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Travel all over the place and settle in Argentina for a year to do some tango and some more tango.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Vincent van Gogh or Christian Louboutin

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A polar bear! They are fast, smart, fluffy and have a purple tongue :)




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Ayrton Boldt
Portfolio Director, IT Events

Dream job when you were a child:
Formula 1 race driver

Favorite 90's song:
Eiffel 65 - I'm blue

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman, because his powers are natural. And in Amazing Spiderman he's dating Emma Stone - What else?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a Jaguar E-Type and a nice house in Tuscany.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Ayrton Senna, he was an outstanding sportsman and an inspiration for a whole country, plus we're sharing the same name ;)

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?




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Judith Wiedmann
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Forester - because I wanted to spend my days in the forest

Favorite 90's song:

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman - because no one swings from one skyscraper to the next more elegantly.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
travel around the world until all the money is spend and to see as much as possible while doing so.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
The world is filled with fascinating personalities - dead or alive. It is impossible for me to decide for only one of them.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
he world is filled with fascinating personalities - dead or alive. It is impossible for me to decide for only one of them.



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Francesca Divkovic
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
No Doubt – Don´t Speak

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman, because he´s too nimble for the muscleman.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Rescue as many street dogs as possible and give them a new home.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Frida Kahlo

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
An otter: sleeping on water, holding hands with my otter friends and my fav pebble in a pocket under my skin.



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Manuel Borgholte
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Check it out now the funk soul brothers.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Does Spiderman have a Batmobile? I didn't think so...

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
First I would pay my debts to my friends Paul (16€) and Johannes (37€) and give most of it to my mom so she can retire. Finally, I would get off the rental market.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Johnny Cash & June Carter

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
According to my nickname, I would be an otter.



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Jonathan Zimmermann
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Car designer

Favorite 90's song:
Smells Like Teen Spirit

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman. His costume and equipment are just cooler and way more bad ass.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy a big ranch with (holiday) houses for all my friends. And nice cars. The rest goes to a maritime nature reserve.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Sir David Attenborough. And maybe Leonardo diCaprio.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A shark. A very majestic animal with great features. I love the unexplored ocean.



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Lukas Keller
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Pastry chef

Favorite 90's song:
NAS: The World is Yours

Wonder Woman vs Black Widow: Who would win & why?
Wonder Woman vs Black Widow: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Open a fancy restaurant – with me being the main customer. 😉

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Alfred Hitchcock

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Maybe – a giraffe? They have the best overview and a cool design



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Philipp Herrler
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
As a child, I really liked cars and always wanted to be a car designer. It turned out that I don’t have any talent in drawing so I dismissed this idea once I found out.

Favorite 90's song:
- Nas – If I ruled the world

Wonder Woman vs Black Widow: Who would win & why?
Regardless of the superpower, Wonder Woman is a warrior who trained her whole life to become one, while Black widow only is a spy with some lousy martial arts training. Of course, Wonder Woman wins and it won’t be even close.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would spend some of the money to travel the world and buy a house for my sister. The rest of it, I would invest in some business ideas I have.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Kobe Bryant. He is a big inspiration for me and I would love to be able to meet him in person

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would choose to be a bird so I can fly and have a nice overview of the world. So I’d probably be an eagle or a falcon.



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Viacheslav Sannikov
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Bitter Sweet Symphony“ by The Verve

Wonder Woman vs Black Widow: Who would win & why?
I prefer DC over Marvel. And Gal Gadot is great in this role

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
If I had a million, I’d invest one third in stock and real estate, would give another third to my family and use the remaining money for my living

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Bowie. He’s entertaining

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Alpaca: I’d always smile



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Felix Goldmann
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Under the Bridge

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
- Batman would win for sure, he uses the coolest and latest gadgets and acquired his super skills himself. Furthermore Spiderman is only a pubertal teenager who got bitten by a radioactive spider…

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
- With the money, I would invest in a never-ending trip around the world, buy a house in Okinawa (and a flat in Berlin), donating most of the money, and then wonder what to do with the remaining cash and who would need it more than me.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Albert Einstein

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A migratory bird that escapes the cold season and spends the winter in the warm south, eating the freshest seafood.



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Ana Gonzalez
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
I always had different Dream Jobs as a kid. First, I wanted to be a lawyer because I was an L.A. Law fan. And later I dreamt of becoming a percussionist.

Favorite 90's song:
Jesus Christ! What a difficult question! Today I would say „Lithium” by Nirvana. But I would probably have another opinion tomorrow.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Both are great, but due to the fact that Batman doesn’t have superpowers, he had to improve his human abilities in order to fight against evil. For this reason, I think that Batman would win against Spiderman but also any other adversary.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
After building my beach house in Chile, I would finance international Theater and Music festivals and support Chilean artists. Besides, I would also financially support animal shelters worldwide.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Fran Lebowitz. I could listen to her for hours! She has a very interesting and funny perspective about everything. Although I do not always agree with her views, it is always refreshing to hear what she has to say.

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A mouse. I am small, love stinky cheese and almost always wear grey clothes.



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Davina Thalmann
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Ballet dancer

Favorite 90's song:
Bitter-sweet symphony - Die Verve

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
That depends on what version of Spiderman we're talking about. In the younger version, Batman would win big. As a newer version, he would have the Avengers behind him and even Batman would no longer have a chance of winning.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
I would retire my entire family, travel, travel, travel and fulfill my childhood dream of having my own horse farm in the form of a sanctuary.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
RBG - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be a cat. Active at night and sleepy throughout the day.



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Kaja Maaser
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Ski jumper

Favorite 90's song:
One moment in time

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy land, sail and travel through the most remote parts of the world

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Dalai Lama

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
I would be an eagle, I could look at everything from above in a very relaxed way :)



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Yekaterina Zarifova
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Jeff Mills – The Bells

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Batman – because he has Alfred

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Buy an apartment in Berlin for my parents and then…invest the rest into travelling the world

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Freddie Mercury

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A Jack Russell – active, loving and a little bit annoying



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Tina Katharina Meschter
Product Manager

Dream job when you were a child:

Favorite 90's song:
Wonderwall by Oasis.

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
A trip around the world, I would invest a portion and donate the rest to cancer research.

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Barack Obama

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
A dog or an elephant - these are my favorite animals.



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Julia Dewitz
HR Manager

Dream job when you were a child:
Pathologist (no joke)

Favorite 90's song:
Air: La Femme d´argent

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
Spiderman. Batman is just rich.

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
build my dream house

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Leonardo... brillant actor and environmentalist

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?



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Huby Connector

Dream job when you were a child:
Conecting the world and creating unforgettable events all over the world! Or Super Hero! But it’s almost the same!

Favorite 90's song:
Frozen by Madonna!

Batman vs Spiderman: Who would win & why?
The Hubinator – he wins every challenge with his charme!

What would you do with 1,000,000 € (as precise as possible)?
Build a we.CONECT Tower to strengthen the power of my imperium!

If you could invite anyone to present with you on stage who would it be (dead or alive)?
Jackie Chan – coolest dude I’ve ever seen.. Met him once at Khao San Road in Bangkok...puh! Crazy night...but...well...next question please!

Imagine you are an animal, which one would you be – and why?
Penguin because people say we look a little bit alike.. and they are social & friendly gals like me!



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